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Sarawak Crest

Client Charter

Last updated on November 23rd, 2021 at 10:10 am

We are committed to deliver efficient, effective and responsive services to our clients as follows:

(Working Days)
To response to status of application for scholarship and education assistance. TWO (2) DAYS
Payment made for scholarship and education assistance upon receiving completed documents. SIX (6) DAYS
Payment made for Biasiswa Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman (YBSTAR) upon receiving completed documents. FOURTEEN (14) DAYS
Payment made to suppliers upon receiving completed documents. FORTEEN (14) DAYS
To response to customer complaint with regards to services rendered. TWO (2) DAYS

Should there be any queries related to the above services,

please email to: pengarah@yayasansarawak.org.my
or whatsapp ysCare at +6017 700 1971